“Long ago rain started and did not stop. Cities drowned and the dead crawled like worms from the wet ground. All the mothers of the earth dropped their children stillborn and there were no more. The Change looked like the end but it was not.” A story told by Fingerbones, Irawk Medicine Man ~ from The Fifth Horseman
Book 1: When Graveyards Yawn (FREE eBook)
Book 2: The Forsaken ($3.99)
Book 3: The Fifth Horseman ($3.99)
In the World of Change people stopped aging, the dead rose from their graves, it started raining and it’s been raining ever since. In an adventure that spans generations, G. Wells Taylor weaves hard-boiled detectives, immortal children, zombie gangsters, angels, demons, and western gunslingers into an intricate web of dying cities, radioactive wastelands and the return of the future.
The Apocalypse Trilogy Flash Page