A DARK-HAIRED beauty comes calling with news of a compound being built south of Greasetown where neo-Nazis are setting up shop. They claim to be turning over a new leaf, but she knows different and wants Wildclown to join the band of mercenaries she’s hired to stop the cancerous cult before it spreads.
The detective almost accepts the damsel’s desperate mission, but doesn’t trust the righteous passion in her eyes. Wildclown hasn’t been back on the job long enough to take any leaps of faith that might risk alienating his partner Elmo. And he sure doesn’t want to get him killed again. Business is business, after all, and pretty green eyes were a dime a dozen for a detective agency that needed every dollar.
When the woman politely accepts the detective’s refusal, it leaves him feeling worse, and doubting his abilities that have yet to be fully tested since his return. So, when Wildclown later learns the bad news about her mission, his guilty conscience goes into high gear, and an investigation leads him to an ancient evil that refuses to believe he isn’t on the case.
RETURN TO THE WORLD OF CHANGE in DAMNED WITH THE DEVIL sixth book in the Wildclown Mysteries and sequel to THE NIGHT ONCE MORE.
Damned with the Devil is Available for $3.99 or less at: Amazon, Google Play, Apple Books
Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Smashwords.